Event Sponsorships & donations
The Yosemite Mariposa County Tourism Bureau is proud to give back to the community we are a part of. As outlined in the TBID operating guidelines, funds from TBID collection can be used for event sponsorships and capitalization projects that increase visitors’ lengths of overnight stay in Mariposa County. Sponsorship dollars are intended to support events and activities that are off-season, during a time that would help promote visitation as well as the community itself. Awarded donations range from $500 to $3,000. All donation request are decided upon by the YMCTB Donation Committee.
In addition to monetary donation, YMCTB provides promotions via the Yosemite.com event calendar, social media posts and other digital media. The event will also be included in either our consumer digital newsletter, our constituent newsletter or both. When possible and appropriate, events are included in seasonal digital or print advertising.
To submit a donation request click below.
Yosemite Mariposa County Tourism Bureau Donation Request Form
To submit an event to be posted on Yosemite.com click below.